The Dashboard Gets a Beautiful Makeover

It is really beautifull and now touchable…. News

Every day, you blog, you create, and you make things with your site. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, the code that runs gets updated dozens of times a day, as we deploy improvements. While you can’t see the vast majority of those changes, there is one improvement we can’t wait for you to see: a brand-new, redesigned dashboard featuring better contrast and the lovely Open Sans typeface.

Back in April, I shared our goals for the dashboard redesign:

  • It should have a simple, uncluttered design; free of excessive decoration and focused on your content.
  • It should use webfonts for modern, legible typography that’s consistent in every browser.
  • It should have a responsive design that’s tailored to desktop computers, tablets, and smartphones.
  • It should do all this while retaining the familiar, user-tested dashboard interface that millions of users already understand.

We’ve redrawn all the icons, opened…

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